Content validity is one of the most well-known strategies to make sure that developed questionnaires will really measure what it intends to measure. This is usually done by consulting at least 5-10 experts preferably in the fields of linguistics as well as statistics to scrutinize the accuracy, applicability and admissibility of questionnaires. English language experts commonly look after the accuracy of grammatical constructions and other lexical flaws which may impede in the data gathering phase. Other concerns such as the format, legend, descriptive statistics and others issues are examined carefully by statisticians. This is to practically ensure that needed data will be gathered through the developed questionnaire taking into consideration the framed research questions (RQs) and hypothesis of the study. According to Oktavia et al., (2018), developed questionnaires must have good quality to measure participants’ knowledge and opinion. On the other hand, reliability is one important component of an excellent and modern questionnaire. This is done in various ways such as test-retest strategy, correlation test, and test of internal consistency which this software will provide two at a time. To interpret the results for content validity and reliability, we will be guided by the scale below. Note that range of internal consistency of 0.90 – 0.99 may indicate some redundant responses; hence, an ideal questionnaire should have 9 content validity index (CVI) and 0.80 – 0.89 range of internal consistency to vouch that questionnaires are practically valid and reliable.
7 – 7.4
7.5 – 8.4
8.5 – 9.4
9.5 -10
not valid
fairly valid
moderately valid
highly valid
0.00 - 0.69
0.70 - 0.79
0.80 – 0.89
0.90 – 0.99
poor reliability
fair reliability
good reliability
excellent reliability